Some English-learning sources give the wrong impression about the words provide and give. Provide is not the formal version of give. These two words are describing totally different things. In English, we don’t have such a strong distinction between formal and informal language. There are some differences, but it is not to the point that we choose different verbs. In the choice between provide or give, there is a big difference in meaning. Whether you choose provide or give is a matter of availability.

Give is about objects changing ownerships
If you have kids, you need to give them lots of love.
= Love should go from you to your children.
I’ll give you a hint.
= The hint will go from my head to yours.
Provide is about making something available
The government does not provide us with enough support.
= The government does not have an option to use their help.
Refreshments will be provided at the party.
= Snacks and drinks will be available at the party.
Notice the difference in recipient and object
I give my dog something to eat.
I provide my dog with something to eat.
[SUBJECT] provide [RECIPIENT] with [GIFT]
In summary
- Give: something changes hands
- Provide: something becomes available to someone. Whether they use it is not important
Provide is probably used in formal contexts because we don’t usually automatically change hands of something in formal settings. We usually let someone use something if they want in formal settings, but it is not required. Government assistance usually is provided, not given. It is not automatic; people have to try to go get it. It’s for this reason that the misconception of provide being the formal version of give has appeared.
Hopefully, that makes sense for English learners who are confused. I have lots of other articles to help with language learning if you liked this one. I also have a YouTube channel where I talk about everything related to language. Check it out if you want to improve your language skills even more. If you did not know whether you should say provide or give, you might be able to find some use out of other English explanations on this site. Keep on learning!